Friday, May 25, 2007


First fall in love wih YAMULEMAU (and still am in love with it) in SH like more than 1/2 year ago.

I had a feeling its not in espa
ñol(me watched too much of español movies).

To my surprise, I found this similar song in one of the EGTS CDs(which I bought) while browsing through Borders.

Searched the internet and got this info on the song and the artist:

"Yamulemau" was originally recorded as "Diamoule" by Laba Sosseh, a singer from the West African country Gambia. An interesting example of cultural interaction between Africa and the Americas, Sosseh was first inspired by popular Cuban music and salsa. Arroyo sings "Yamulemau" in the original African language, imitating the phonetics much the same way African artists like Sosseh have done with Spanish.

Clickety click=> YAMULEMAU
(or JAMBU LEMAU as DJ Lee says it) for your listening pleasure .


Anonymous said...

do You Have the song's original letter Diamule?

fnananf said...

lo que tu no sabes es que Joe compuso esa cancion despues de haber salido de un coma por sobredosis de coca, cuando desperto, sintio deseos de cantar esa cancion, nadie la entendia, hasta que le dijeron que su cancion habia tenido buena acogida en africa.

Anonymous said...

Diamule Mao es una canción y letra original de un cantante africano del Senegal, responsable de la fusión de ritmos afro-cubanos.

A mi me encanta las canciones de Joe Arroyo, pero él no ha plagiado nada, el disco original dice quien es el verdadero autor: Laba Sosseh